GREECE - Coordinator: Klimaka-Roma
Day Center/
IRELAND: Cairde/
PORTUGAL: Cesis & Cooperactiva/
ROMANIA: Sastipen/
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Klimaka NGO
We strive for a more just, accessible, equitable, inclusive and solidarity world for ALL in a creative, collaborative and innovative process. Core of our actions: democracy, social justice, public interest, sustainability, solidarity and human rights. Klimaka is a non-profit organization, a registered NGO, founded in 2000, proactive in both the provision of mental health services and the implementation of social inclusion programs for excluded groups in Greece and abroad, under the supervision of the Greek Ministry of Health. Klimaka aims to empower the socially excluded groups through its actions and programs in many ways to help them take an active role in life, claim for their rights, become self-sufficient and be integrated in society. The ultimate goals of the organization's actions are: the development of human and social resources in order to tackle any forms of social exclusion, everyone's equal access to social assets, promotion of mental health, greater social cohesion and solidarity. Klimaka operates:10 Residential Care Units & Protected Apartments in Greece for People with mental disabilities, Roma Day Centre, Day Centre for Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Day Centre for Homeless, Suicide Prevention Centre & 24-Hour Suicide Prevention Line, Mobile Mental Health Units,Telepsychiatry Units (in Aegean & Cyclades Islands).
KLIMAKA's Roma Day Center for more than 23 years
develops a holistic and integrated approach in order to combat social exclusion and inequalities providing supporting
services in education, housing, employment, health and mental health. The Roma Day Centre of KLIMAKA NGO shares the
vision of social inclusion and solidarity respect and dignity for Roma in order to stop the vicious circle of exclusion and to
have a real impact and contribution to reduce inequalities and Anti-Gypsyism (hate, prejudice and negative stereotypes)
also by strengthening Roma engagement and participation.
Cairde/Community health development organisation
Cairde is working from a rights-based and a holistic approach. Cairde is
dedicated to reducing health inequalities among minority ethnic communities in Ireland. This aim is achieved by improving
minority ethnic access to health services and minority ethnic participation in health planning and delivery.
Cairde's mission is achieved via the actions implemented in the delivery of primary healthcare, such as the Intercultural
Health Strategy, National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy, to disadvantaged minority ethnic communities in Ireland.
Cairde runs two Health Information and Advocacy Centres, one in Dublin city centre, and one in Balbriggan.

Cesis/Studies & Social Interventions Center
CESIS is a NGO concerned to promote evidence-based, policy-relevant research.
CESIS has a longstanding and widely recognised experience in comparative European projects as well as in EU level
research networks (e.g. ESPAN - European Social Policy Analysis Network and NEC – Network of Eurofound
Correspondents) in fields such as: Children & youth; Human rights; Poverty & social inclusion; Social policies & social
protection; Mobility & migration; Ethnic/cultural minorities; Gender equality; Time use & work life balance; Gender-based
violence & domestic violence;
CESIS currently employs 10 persons. CESIS's team has over three decades of relevant experience in the areas covered by
this proposal. Our work methodology is based on analysing large-scale surveys and statistical databases, conducting
qualitative interviews, and facilitating discussion groups. Mobilising networks of relevant actors at national and local level is
a regular practice in CESIS initiatives. We are also accredited as a training organisation, regularly training both
professionals, especially those working in the social field, and vulnerable women and men.
Over the course of its work, CESIS has built up a vast network of contacts and has also acted as a consultant to public
CooperActiva/non profit organization
CooperActiva is a non-profit organization with a mission: intervene in areas of concentrated poverty and social exclusion,
guided by a holistic perspective of problems, guaranteeing citizenship rights and promoting the social development of
communities. CooperActiva operates in two municipalities on the outskirts of Lisbon: Amadora and Cascais. CooperActiva
provides support to adults in situations of exclusion, providing services to guarantee their most basic needs, guiding them
towards integration into the labour market and support them in resolving other problems that may arise in their lives. On the
other hand, CooperActiva works with children and young people to promote success at school and educational paths that go
beyond completing the compulsory 12 years of schooling.
The organization also works with victims of domestic violence, supporting them with psychotherapy, social and legal support
services. In addition to direct intervention with victims, training sessions for professionals are also organized. Very recently,
a specialised service was created for children who are also victims of domestic violence.

Sastipen/Roma Center for Public Health Policies
Sastipen is a non-governmental organization from Romania founded in August
2007. The mission of Sastipen is to promote the social dialogue, the community participation and involvement in the
decision-making structures of public health services for Roma and non-Roma, through the improvement of the
communication between the administrative structures of public health services and local communities, both at the national
and international level. Sastipen has as main areas of interest analyzing and developing health policies, strategies and
interventions, especially in Roma communities in order to improve their condition.
Through the projects and activities implemented since the organization's establishment until now, SASTIPEN has gained its
notoriety among Roma NGOs in Romania as an organization which is developing new initiatives with long-term effects in
disadvantaged communities, but also as organization having the status of a "watch dog", organization which militates for
defending the rights of Roma patients who benefit the public health services.
Sastipen's experienced is based especially on the implementation of concerted actions of advocacy which led to creating
long-term strategic partnerships with different local authorities in the rural or urban area, with the purpose of implementing
inclusion policies for the members of vulnerable communities, focused on Roma, policies designed on an integrated,
comprehensive approach with the direct involvement of local communities' members.
Sastipen advocates an approach to Roma health that values the social inclusion, transparency, accountability, non
discrimination and participation principles. By his work, Sastipen tried to change the paradigm of health policies by
advocating for transferring the responsibility for designing and implementation process to the county/local level. Sastipen is
working with the local authorities for ensuring the access of Roma to the local services especially at the health service.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.